Bramble Breakfast and Bar Review

By Jett Millican

The transformation of the beloved Jenks RiverWalk from simply a cheap movie theatre to a  happening attraction could be the best thing to happen for the city of Jenks. Next in the lineup of on the water thrills is Bramble Breakfast and Bar. 

Walking into Bramble on a Sunday morning is similar to walking into a crowded cafeteria. After being quoted a 20 minute wait that only lasted 10 minutes my two friends and I were asked if sitting at a community table would be alright. We said yes.

We were greeted by a bubbly server who after giving us our drinks advised us about the shakiness of the rustic wooden table we were sitting at.

“Drinks just find a way to spill at this table,” she warned us. 

The chipped, dark brown, long table wasn’t the only rustic thing in Bramble. Barnwood doors, metal chairs, barstools, and most notably the chandeliers hanging over every table with their mix of dainty glass and raw metal pipe only added to the rustic ambiance similarly to a loveable fixer-upper home.

My interesting choice of fried chicken breakfast poutine arrived in a bowl about the diameter of a 5 gallon bucket. The scent of the gravy that smothered the french fries and filled the bowl wafted into my nose. I lost control, I couldn’t even think about taking a picture of my poutine in all its glory. I dug my fork into the bowl and before I knew it my meal was only a shell of its former self.

The spice of the gravy was noticeable, but far from over powering. It drenched the fried chicken without taking away from the crisp breading of the chicken. The french fries that made up the bulk of the bowl were akin to the taste of home fries, but could have done with some more salt. 

All in all, the ingredients together made for a wonderfully, down home, hearty breakfast that contrasted my expectations of Bramble, and pleasantly surprised me.

Bramble didn’t just knock it out of the park with my meal, but my friend’s breakfast quiche and hash brown latkes were to die for. The ham and cheese quiche was fluffy and made every stab of the fork worth it. Though a little over done on the bottom side, we weren’t disappointed. The latkes were amazingly crisp on the outside, but once he broke through the armor, the golden brown inside was all it took to sell us on Bramble.

Bramble is a pleasant addition to Jenks’s Sunday morning sidewalks, and holds many surprises behind every door.

Go ramble at Bramble on your own time, you won’t be disappointed. With locations at 400 Riverwalk Terrace #100, Jenks, OK 74037, as well as 1302 E 6th St, Tulsa, OK 74120 ; Bramble can be in anyone’s backyard. 


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