Spring Break for the Introverted Soul

By: Hayden Alexander

Spring Break is upon us, and many Jenks students have travel plans. Others, like myself, would rather enjoy the break in familiar stomping grounds. I am perfectly content to sit inside my home and not venture out into society. Although, more often than not, I find myself running out of things to do and turning to technology. I’ve been told overexposure to screens is not a good thing, so I decided to explore other options that don’t require me to step out of my comfort zone. 

A Cover is Not the Book

As high schoolers, our schedules are jam-packed, so we don’t have much time to get lost in a good book. This Break, even if you are not a big reader, find one book(or two) you want to read and delve into it. 

Natasha Perez gets a head start on her spring break book.

Anyone Can Cook

Instead of binge-watching cooking shows this break, try your luck at making something on your own. Even if you’re the worst chef on the planet, you can still have fun! Find something that catches your eye, make a game plan, and execute it. You have all week, which means you can be as ambitious with your creations as you want. I personally recommend trying out a new cookie recipe, because...cookies.

COOKIES!!! (I really like cookies )

The Artists Within

Let’s be honest, we all daydream in class. We disappear into our minds imagining faraway places and living out perilous journeys. Over the break take a venture into your own imagination and use those adventures. Write out the stories you have come up with over the years, or make them into poetic ballads of epic proportions. If words aren’t your strong suit, then use sketches to tell your story. Don’t worry if it turns out to be perfect or not. It is your imagination, your creativity, and you make the rules. Critics need not apply.

Andrea Rosa shows off her artistry.

Into the Unknown

I know that during the break everyone wants to block out anything that has to do with school, but learning can still be fun. It doesn’t have to be a school-related topic. Simply find something that interests you, and dive in. Even if you think you know everything, I can guarantee you that there is something in this universe for you to learn.  For instance, I love sloths, but I don't know much about them, outside of them being super cute. I plan to rectify that over the break by becoming an expert on all things sloths.

A Puzzling Predicament

However old fashioned they may seem, puzzles will definitely keep you busy. Put your mind and patience to the test by doing a 2,000 piece puzzle. If the task proves too daunting, then there is no shame in switching to a smaller puzzle. If trying to fit tiny cardboard pieces together is not your cup of tea, then try solving a word puzzle or riddle. You can start with this one. There are 30 unicorns in the field and 28 rainbows. How many didn’t? (Answer at the bottom of the article)

Sorry Not Sorry

If you feel yourself reaching for the video game controller, don’t. Try reaching for a board or card game instead. There are plenty of fun board games to choose from; Sorry, Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble, and of course, if you’re a Stranger Things fan, there’s always Dungeons and Dragons. These games require other willing participants, but the good news is, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home. Personally, I plan on conning my family into a game of Star Wars Monopoly and bankrupting them all. (insert maniacal  laugh)

Push-Ups, Sit-ups, and Burpees Oh My

Spring break is the perfect time to get into shape after winter hibernation. Hop on an elliptical, go for a jog around the block, or take your frustrations out on the closest punching bag. Point being, explore several different workouts until you find one that fits you best. 

Lights Camera Action

Just because I am trying to help you reduce your screen time, does not mean you have to avoid screens like the plague. You can plan the perfect movie night in a few easy steps: 

Step 1: Pick a movie(Star Wars) 

Step 2: Arrange all of your blankets in the coziest way possible 

Step 3: Grab some snacks (May I suggest cookies)

Step 4: Sit down and enjoy the show. (You can even invite others to join in the fun if you’re feeling like being an extrovert for a change.) 

My go-to movie night marathon

The Great Outdoors 

There are a multitude of things introverts can do outside without major social interaction. Go on a bike ride in your neighborhood, draw chalk on your driveway, play with your pet, or hang out in your backyard. If people say hi to you just smile back, and hope they keep walking. A quick tip: if you have headphones people are less likely to bother you.

Rain Rain Go Away 

You don’t have to be an introvert to enjoy these activities. According to News on 6, a local news channel that covers Tulsa and its surrounding area, next week is going to be a wet one. Chances for rain and thunderstorms range from 50% to 100% so people may be forced inside to stay dry. If your plans are rained out this break, you now have the power and knowledge to defeat boredom. You’re Welcome.

No matter what you do over the break, enjoy it. Read a book, make some delicious cookies, write a story, explore your surroundings, and become a puzzle master. If all else fails, put on your extrovert pants, and go hang out with your friends.  It will be fine. You like those people.

Riddle Answer- 10. 

Explanation- There are 30 unicorns in a field and twenty-ATE rainbows. How many didn’t?


Tenet: Invert Your Expectations


Spring into the Spooks!