Club Week

Your typical day at school can be tedious, boring, and go on for what feels like days. At Jenks, there are so many interesting and fun clubs to be a part of.  On September 5th and 6th during lunch, different clubs set up booths to showcase their group and entice people to join their club. The different booths showcased the clubs by hanging posters, playing music, and giving out popsicles.  One of the more popular club booths was the Student Council. Stu-Co lets students vote on things like homecoming themes, and fundraising activities, which gives them the opportunity to have a say on what’s going on at the school. Being one of the longest-established clubs at the school, it’s no surprise how popular it is. “Stu-Co helps you make lasting friendships and help the general student body,” says junior Gloria Osabodje, who has been in Stu-Co since her freshman year. “It  gets you way more involved and its a really cool thing to be a part of.”  These students organize dances, and have started up a new gig called “Fridays at the J”,  Stu-Co has a more influential part of the school than ever.  Another fairly known club is the thespians. The Thespians at the high school are a huge part of the drama community. The thespians help to put together the different shows, organize community events and fundraisers to help support the students and the department, and provide an open space for anyone interested in the performing arts. “ I had been in drama for a while, since 7th grade actually, and I knew about the Thespians and thought it would be a good opportunity for me to get more involved,” said sophomore Kolin Graham. The sense of family in the thespian community makes it one of the most welcoming clubs at the high school. If you’re doing Key club or DSG, one club that will give you a lot of service hours is robotics. This summer the team collectively got over 2300 service hours. In robotics, they hold meetings two to three times a week offseason, but during build season there is a meeting almost every day to build, program, and plan the robot. The team goes to different competitions around the Midwest and gets the opportunity to meet different teams from all over the world. Even though the schedule is busy, the reward is much greater. “Robotics is like one big family, there’s a place for everyone,” says Shea Langley, a team member whose older sister was also on the team. The strong friendships on the team are only one of the reasons why robotics is such a wonderful club. These clubs, and many others look good on college applications, give you the opportunity to make friends, and to get more involved in your school life.  For more information on the clubs:Robotics - or contact Mrs. LangleyThespians - or contact Mr.Hurst Stu-Co - other Club information - 


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