Latin: The Undead Language

By: Hayden Alexander

Deep within the halls of building six there is a room shrouded in mystery. Where cries of war echo and shouts of joy can be found. Where students of all kinds learn the complexity of the Roman Language and come together to share their love of the language with others.This place is known around the school as the Latin room, and what a room it is.

For those who may not know what Latin is, Latin is the language of the Romans. Latin was the chosen language for the Catholic church and became the language of the highly educated. Many people today view Latin as a dead language but the students of Latin club do not see it that way. The Latin teacher, Sarah Whipple,  arms every student with the perfect come back should someone tell them that Latin is a dead language.  

“Tua mater mortua lingua est” says Whipple who proudly explained that the meaning in English is…”Your mother is a dead Language.” 

Mrs.Whipple prepares to teach a group of Latin ones. 

In Latin students learn that it is so much more than a language. The National Latin exam requires all students to know the history, mythology, and culture behind the language in order to get an in depth understanding.

“If you just learn the vocabulary and the grammar then its this dry, awful, stale first it killed the Romans and now it’s killing me type of thing.” says Whipple, matter of factly.

                   Keep your eyes out for Latin club and upcoming events!

A key part of the Latin classroom is Latin Club. The club focuses on creating an environment where everyone can grow in their love for Latin. It brings the athletics, arts and academics all together to create an unstoppable team. 

“Latin Club has all the events that I look forward to throughout the year and I love all of them.” Hayden Ledford, Junior.

Some of these events include hosting Fall Forum, movie nights, and State Latin convention. The Jenks Latin club is even going to be featured in the Homecoming Parade!

NJCL creed

We the members of the Junior Classical League, covenant to hand on the torch of classical civilization in the modern world.

The Jenks Latin club annually attends NJCL events in Oklahoma and around the country. NJCL or JCL is known as the National Junior Classical League it is comprised of several Latin clubs from around the country. They believe that the aquanitence with the civilization of Greece and Rome enhance our understanding of the world today. Whipple elaborated on the true purpose behind JCL.

“National Junior Classical League encourages its members to be so well rounded. Not only in academics, but also athletics and art. It’s like the 5 A’s of Jenks Highschool.”  says Whipple. “JCL as an organization is so cool and I have been really excited to be apart of it for 17 years now because there is a place for everyone. Nobody feels excluded or left out.”

Senior Anette Lau, one of our very own students is the communications officer at the state level  JCL. 

“You get to know the behind the scenes, and how we work things. You get really involved in the activities, and it really fun getting opinions from other members,” says Lau. 

If you want to know more about JCL then visit their website at

The year has just begun and so has the fight to keep Latin alive at Jenks High School. The Latin students have already begun building their chariots and practicing their war cries. You can still join Latin club and be apart of the fun. You do not have to be in Latin to join and it only cost $10. So if you have a love for language and a whole lot of fun swing by the Latin room 6-166 and beware the Ides of March.


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