SNHS: The New Science Club at Jenks

By: Natalie Eaton

Students from AP-Chemistry have created a brand new science organization for any kind of science lover- the Science National Honor Society! Science Olympiad, Robotics, and Pre-Med are all foundational science clubs that have been offered for years at Jenks High School, but this year, Jenks will be welcoming SNHS to go further into the many areas of science. 

Throughout the year, SNHS is hoping to unite Jenks students with discussion every month about science and research. They want to bring students opportunities for volunteering and focus on their careers in the future. 

“We researched, and found that there was no Science National Honor Society at Jenks, and we thought we should open a chapter for all science lovers,” Junior and Vice President of SNHS Salma Waheed says, “This incorporates any science class, and we are trying to promote this and make more of a community with this honor society.”

SNHS students, Chatzigiannidis (S), Waheed (J), Sayeed (J), and Tori Nunnelee at 2019 schedule pickup.

According to Waheed, this new club already has a major path this year. Events and plans have already been made including field trips to science related areas, movies, and speakers. At the end of the year, SNHS is hoping to incorporate AP Research teacher, Michael Horn’s, classes and students to join in with their science fair. Waheed also wants other science classes and students who are interested to participate in their science fair. 

Senior and President of SNHS Sophia Chatzigiannidis goes further into explaining where the planned field trips will be, and what qualifies a student to attend these events.

“We are planning on going to the Tulsa Zoo and Aquarium, especially if you are in good standings,” says Chatzigiannidis. “The Nasa center or the Air and Space Museum is where we will try to get speakers, so they can talk to us about astronomy and anything science-related.” 

Good standings have to be made to be able to go on field trips and events. In the club, you must make these standings by earning points.
In the honor society, earning points determines if you can go to certain meetings and field trips. While being involved, you must have a minimum of 4 service hours. As stated by Junior and Secretary Ariana Sayeed, it's simple to earn 8 points, and if earned by the end of the year, you can get an honor cord at graduation!

Experiences and field trips are important, but SNHS wants to focus this year on helping students who are interested in having a future job related to science as well.

“We see today that there are a lot of STEM jobs coming out in the society, which gives a lot of opportunities,” says Chatzigiannidis. “There are a lot more jobs that are coming out that require science backgrounds. Engineers, architects, there is science everywhere in our society.”

Of course, many students may not see their future in the science field but, SNHS wants students who simply enjoy science as well to join. A main question students ask members is “why should I even join?” 

“That is honestly very true,” responds Chatzgiannidis,“because many people have told us they are not really into science. “People that do like science are very passionate about it, and we want to see that you want to do it. This is supposed to be fun, we will try to have get togethers and socials once this club starts to grow. We want everyone to enjoy science.”

While it is encouraged for anyone to join, there are some requirements. You must be in an AP science class and have a 3.0 unweighted GPA. But, the honor society hopes that grades and GPA will not discourage any students who want to be apart of the club.  

“We want to make sure you’re interested in some field of science for study, so we can gear some of our projects and activities towards your interests to help keep you involved as well.” says faculty instructor Tori Nunnelee

For more information about requirements, you can visit Tori Nunnelee in room MS215.

“We are really hoping to make something out of this club. It is optional, but it is something we are hoping people will want to do if they’re passionate about making a presentation or putting this on their applications.” says Sayeed.
For more information on Science National Honor Society, visit


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