Dad Chats, Episode 2: Patrick Millican

By Jordan McCown

We speak with Patrick Millican, father of Taylor and Jett.

Our second episode of Dad Chats gets groovy quick as we discuss the Dad Song of the Day (1:45). This is followed by a practical onslaught of incredible questions and answers, including such hits as "what personality traits have your kids inherited from you?" (5:45), "what do you do when your kid says 'no'?" (8:50), and "what should kids know about sex?" (21:50).

In the second half of our show, we get into our weekly segments with Ask a Dad, where we answer student-submitted questions rapid-fire (32:30); Dad Recommendations, where we recommend Dad Things to Do with your kids (37:34); and Dad Gifts, where we recommend gifts to buy a dad (pro-tip: no ties) (38:17).

If you have any questions for Ask a Dad, or would like your own dad to be a guest on the show, please email us at


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Dad Chats, Episode 1: Mark Siebert