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Meet the Master of Multitasking: A Profile Over Whitaker McManus

High school is an exhausting, time-consuming, and just plain crazy four years of life that most people go through. Balancing school, homework, a good social life, family, etc. takes a toll on many students, however, Jenks senior, Whitaker McManus, has persevered. In the hustle and bustle of high school life, McManus has been a prominent example in the Jenks community of what it means to excel academically while spearheading numerous clubs here at Jenks.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Haunted Houses: Behind the Scenes Edition

Those who like Halloween. Those who are interested in the story behind the mask. Have you ever wondered what it is like to work behind the scenes at a haunted house? Just for you, here is the other side to the terrifying, spooky stories we hear this time of year.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Prep You: The Counselor Bringing the Senior Class Onward

As a senior in high school, career fairs aren’t the most exciting thing in the world. But at Jenks, seniors can experience helicopter landings, live paintings and zoo animals at their career fair. The long process of finding speakers, food and transportation is difficult but worth it for the students.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

“Intro to America”: Newcomer Government Class Creates A Safe Space For Adolescents As They Enter A New World

Fluorescent lighting burns your eyes, hundreds, thousands, of new faces, floating around you occasionally bumping your shoulder muttering a quick “sorry” as they rush into small rooms that decorate the beige-brick walls. A dull panic sets in your chest, anticipation pulsing through your blood, millions of questions and concerns crowding your mind all at once.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

The Reigning Royals of Jenks High School

On October 13th, Jenks students watched in anticipation to see who would be bestowed the honor of becoming Homecoming’s new reigning royals. Seniors Eduardo Pereyra and Magnolia Crissup share their experience on winning the homecoming crowns for the 2023-2024 school year. The title of homecoming king and queen is thought to be an honor at Jenks High School, and these two spectacular seniors took the honor with enthusiasm, joy, and humility.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

The Lifeline Around Your Neck: Suicide Hotline on Student IDs

Entering the new year, students at Jenks High School took notice of a subtle but powerful addition to their school IDs. Alongside their picture and grade level now displays the number to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline as well as the Crisis Text Line. The new attachment has sparked several discussions among students and teachers about the ongoing mental health epidemic that lingers throughout schools.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Full of Promise? Or Empty Solutions?: Jenks and Their New Clear Bag Policy

We all know the feeling, the moment when lights blind your eyes, when your ears violently shake from the echo of the crowd's cheers, when the only thing you can smell is cheaply buttered popcorn, as your body is closely crammed against the backs of fans. Friday’s are spent at stadiums, on courts, waving banners and screaming at the top of your lungs.

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