Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Passion Over Pay: That’s the Problem

Classroom teachers make ends meet by working seven hours a day, five days a week. But when the school day ends and the bell rings, many disperse to do their secondary professions so they actually can afford to live. To get the personal experience of what goes on behind the teacher’s desk, I interviewed Carrie Loeber, Blake Connelly, Katie Franco, and Juliana Lynch, as well as Tim Abel–all of whom work second jobs.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

A Turning Page: Views On Oklahoma’s Continuous Banned Books Debacle

Books have always been an integral part of my life. My first memory with books comes from my Mom, who spent hundreds of nights reading me her favorites like Little House In The Big Woods, or The Kissing Hand. As I’ve gotten older books have still been there, connecting me with new people and new emotions--taking me on wild journeys across new lands, or comforting me with stories that feel like home.

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Behind the Scenes of Tulsa State Fair

September 29th, 2022. It is a normal day for some citizens in Oklahoma. But for most people, the #1 attraction in Oklahoma is open. Expo Square is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma which hosts the 11th largest fair in North America. Records are broken every year at the fair but this doesn’t happen easily. Many things happen behind the scenes to make it a success. The fair brings us good times so let's take a look at the side not always shown. The secret behind Expo Square's growth was the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mark Andrus.

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