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Behind The Wheel…of a Race Car Enthusiast

Kylan Wallis, 11, seems to be like any other student at Jenks High School. But, what many people might not know is his passion for cars and racing. Whether he is preparing the cars, doing a ride-along at the circuit, or videoing the vehicles in action, he can be found at the races.

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The House of Hidden Treasures

When you drive by this small white house in the heart of downtown Jenks, you may assume it’s just an ordinary place. However, when you step inside, you truly see, “stuff dreams are made of.” The owner of Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, Linda Reynolds, describes her store as an open art studio, as well as a vintage, retro, and whimsy shop–all within walking distance of Jenks High School.

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A Deep Dive into the Oklahoma Aquarium

When you take a look at the Oklahoma Aquarium, you never typically think about what goes on behind the scenes. It’s a place you grew up going to on field trips and as a cold shelter on hot, summer days. For two employees, Hallie Moss and Andrea Gann, their whole world revolves behind the scenes of the well-known attraction.

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Guide to Speaking at JPS School Board Meetings for Students

As a growing generation that’s engaged in our various communities, something students may not know is that anyone has the right to speak at school board meetings. School board meetings are open to the public. Although it may not be widely advertised, if you check out the Jenks Public School Board of Education page, you’ll find information on your personal school board member, upcoming meeting dates/times, how to make a public comment or hearing of the public, and meeting minutes from the past year.

For those looking for a guide to speaking at a Jenks Public School Board meeting, this is just the article for you. I have divided this article into sections: School Board 101, Making a Public Comment vs a Public Hearing, Common Misunderstandings, How Student Voices Make an Impact, Tips for Speaking, Post Speaking, Building Relationships, and Advocacy, and “What’s Next.”

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