The World of Jenks Exchange Students

By: Matty Mooney

Jenks High School is known worldwide, and every year eager families await to host students from across the globe. Not only does the exchange program bring students in from abroad, but it also boasts an immersive, once-in-a-lifetime experience of being a student in American high school culture.

Julien Reuter, grade 12, is a native of Germany and started his year at Jenks at the beginning of the semester. He is classified as a senior at only 15 to participate in all of the school’s events. Not only is Reuter a new member of the student body, but an honorary kicker on the Jenks Football Team. 

“At first I wasn’t going to do it, but I just wrote an email to Coach Riggs, and asked if I could try out for training. He asked me a couple questions, but I was able to try out. I had practice, and I got onto the team! It’s pretty cool”,  he retold. 

After joining the team, more people knew Reuter, and it was easy for him to start making lifelong friends amongst the players. 

“Now so many people know me, I can talk to-like-everybody. Any players on the team. I feel welcomed!” Reuter said. 

Coming to a new school, especially from a new country, can be nerve-wracking. It's safe to say that Reuter found his pack. He loves being a part of the school’s events, including football games, which are the highlight of Jenks Fridays. 

Not only is he a big fan of American sports, Reuter’s favorite class offered at Jenks is US History. He loves the freedom that comes with choosing his schedule and feeling like a normal student. 

“Don’t go to school in Germany,” Reuter said, “The classes are difficult, and the same for all students. I love the freedom I have here.” 

Jenks students are very privileged to get to choose all different kinds of classes and electives, but Reuter mainly focuses on the sports games around Tulsa and at Jenks’s own stadium. The whole community comes out to support and cheer on the team.

“American soccer games, football games, it's all fun to watch. I think it's cool how schools work with sport. You put an hour away for it which is different from back home. I'm glad to be able to have a part in it.” 

Reuter and his teammates will be playing this Saturday in the championship game. Want to go cheer them on? Visit here for Championship tickets!! 


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