Meet The Valedictorians and Salutatorians
Valedictorians:Grace Benham “Slow down, you’re doing fine/ you can’t be everything you want to be/ before your time.” - Vienna by Billy Joel
Jack Bezdek "I'm nice at ping pong." -Kanye West
Angela Chen "Angela, do you want to succeed in life?" -Michael Horn
Kayla Eiland "Adventure is out there!" -Up
Maddie Kizziar "Enough about my weight, let's go get some dinner." -Kourtney Kardashian
Brandon Le “Your future hasn’t been written yet: no one’s has. Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.” -Dr. Emmett Brown, Back to the Future III
Lanie McKenny "You get nothing if you wait for it." -Hamilton
Ally Ryan "Don't be afraid to give up the good and go for the great." -Prefontaine
Matthew Smith "There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kinda the point?” -Pam Halpert, The Office
August Vonhartitzch "I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew." -Texas Ranger
Hailey Welch "I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life - and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do." -Georgia O'Keefe
Ryan Zhu “They say cheaters never win, but I just graduated.” -Unknown