These Themes Are The Dream: Picking an Outfit For Friday Night Lights
One of the greatest experiences of high school is the Friday Night Lights football games. One thing that makes the student section as fun as possible is the themes. These themes connect the whole student body, but sometimes it’s hard to find what to wear. The themes are different every week and some require buying new clothes. But some of the themes might be harder than others, like the “luau” or the “‘merica themes”, some people might not have anything to wear for these games, so here's some advice on what to wear or to shop for these kinds of themes.Rebecca Greer,12 Kaylen Heath 12, Rylee Nicole 12 Photo by: Kaylen Heath (Bixby game, southern theme) For some games it's so easy to pick something out like the blackout BA game, just put together black pants or shorts with a black shirt. The games are generally easy if it's all based on the same color like all black or all pink, which is another theme for the game. The Bixby theme was easy all you needed is a plaid shirt or overalls and some jeans or jean shorts. But for more troubling themes like merica and laua you can easily shop at party city or the dollar store for some items. Others are very simple all you have to do it paint up for the games. Most people will paint up because they don't have the clothes for it.
Emma Tappana 12, Brandun Jones 12 Photo by: Brandun Jones (Blackout BA) If your wondering who comes up with the themes I was able to sit down and talk with superfans and get an inside on it all. ¨Most of the games have the same theme because of tradition or had to do something that everyone is ok with or understand¨ said Alex Lakin 12, who comes up with the themes along with the vice president and treasurer. For further information you can look on the Jenks super fans instagram page @jhssuperfans, or on twitter @superfanJHS.
Riese Hartwell 12, Emma Tappana 12 Photo by: Emma Tappana (Paint up)