The Man Behind the Noobly
By Santiago Serrano
I was excited and overjoyed to interview Jenks High School’s very own Youtube sensation, the guy behind the booming gaming channel NooblyGamer. As I sat there on the second floor of the math and science center, I eagerly waited to meet the the legend responsible for the abundance of purple stickers bearing his logo strewn all around campus. His channel’s popularity exploded after he managed to get his brand on the televisions in the commons of every building.

Look at this proud display of his merch
Even from the second floor, I could hear his crew come in laughing and joking, even as they were riding the elevator up. As the doors opened not only did I see him, but I also saw his girlfriend proudly displaying his new merchandise: a branded hoodie. As he stepped towards me to start the interview, I could not help but notice how genuine he seemed--no illusions of superiority. Just the quintessential bro (who just so happened to look like a nickelodeon actor).
Before I could ask the hard hitting questions, I had to know exactly who this student was who’s already hit one thousand subscribers on Youtube. He quickly introduced himself as sophomore Gage Morgan. To tell the truth, I expected his name to be something a tad more angelic (to match his divine form). Not to dissuaded by such a minor detail, I had to learn the origins of this internet personality.
Q: “Recently you hit 1k subs, which is a big milestone. I imagine a lot of people are wondering how you started out and where you plan on going.”
A: “I started back in 2016 in middle school. I wanted to do some gaming, barely had any equipment, but I did it.”
Q: “What are the plans for your channel after high school? Will you keep it up or do you plan on a full transition to Youtubing?”
A: “It’s not to that point yet, I plan to keep it as a hobby, but if it blows up…”
Q: “How did you get this far?”
A: “[Through] close friends, charisma, and word of mouth, [plus] I’m a massive meme.”
As we finished up the interview, I had to know the truth.
“I have heard rumors that you are one swol cookie, care to comment?” I said. He only laughed as he pulled out his phone to show me his record highs on his note app, boasting a dead lift of 335 pounds, a bench of 185 pounds, a squat of 275 pounds, and an overhead of 120 pounds. What a god. I left the building feeling as if though I not only understood him better, but got to see (the admittedly beefy) man behind the Noobly. If you’re interested in seeing this man in action, go visit him here at NooblyGamer on Youtube to watch his videos.

One swole boi