Bye Bye Blackout BA
By: Drew Bethell
Jenks football fans say farewell to Blackout BA this year after the theme gets tossed to the sidelines. In light of military appreciation night, Student Council and Superfans have decided that instead of wearing black, we’ll be rocking red, white, and blue to honor veterans and those currently serving.

“At first I was kind of like ‘really? Our class is going to be the one to change that?’” says Superfan vice president, Bryson Diener. “But then I thought more about it. It’s a cool tradition, but it’s something minor whenever you’re comparing it to really taking the time to appreciate our soldiers. Today I really think that it’s easy to forgo appreciating the people who protect us and our freedom, so I think it’s really awesome as a student body that we get to devote a whole game to them.”
Last year, the booster club brought in veterans and active-duty soldiers for the first official appreciation night. This year they will do the same, but the day they picked just so happened to be the night of the Broken Arrow game.
“After they booked it for the Broken Arrow game, we met with the Superfan officers and asked ourselves ‘do we really want to wear black, the color of mourning, to celebrate our troops?’” says Superfans sponsor, Adam Peterson. “We just figured this would be the time to do something different and really back military appreciation.”
In spite of the theme change, the much-beloved Blackout pep assembly will still take place during the first round of playoffs.
“We’re keeping it because everyone seems to really like it and it’s just super popular,” says Student Council spirit chair Samantha Saleh. “It’s the best pep assembly we have, and it’s just a great way to get people involved and feel welcomed without it necessarily being for BA.”
In the meantime, the Superfans still have something big up their sleeves for the new Broken Arrow assembly and game, including red, white, and blue powder and all-new USA-themed chants. So come show your support on military appreciation night on September 27, 2019, at Allan Trimble Stadium, where the Trojans will go head-to-head with Broken Arrow. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, we even have live score updates on our Instagram story!