Sub For A Semester: Jordan Baker

By: Ben Kimberling

After completing her internship with Mrs. Clayton around the beginning of December, Ms. Baker originally did not have anything other than just being a usual substitute lined up for the semester. 

“A week before school started, Mr. Fox called me and asked me If I would be interested in filling in for her [Mrs. Ritze], and I said yes.”

“When I was here, last semester, I think like, I kind of stayed in Mrs. Clayton’s room. Now I'm trying to branch out more, and it's really hard with  COVID right now. To even interact with anyone,” says Ms. Baker.

Candles that Baker made with her sister.

“I recently got into candle making, I actually was going to start a little business with my sister. It's still in the works of course,” says Baker. 

She also states that she loves books, reading, writing, and journaling; even though, in her own words, it's a “little cliche” for an english teacher. 

After this year of subbing, she plans on looking for a job teaching on a highschool level, along with completing her advising master.

“I would just want students to know I always have an open door, I don't want anyone to be afraid  to talk to me. I’m here,” says Baker.

For this entire semester, Baker is a substitute for Mrs. Ritze’s AVID III, 10th Grade English, and Pre-Ap English 10 Classes in Room 5221. 


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