A New Era: Trojan TV Broadcasting
By Ella Embry
It’s a Friday night in Jenks, Oklahoma as the entire community comes together to watch the Trojans play football. The sidelines are filled with supporters and athletes tediously watching the game. A new edition can be found clustered on the sidelines this year. Spotted with a large camera and a microphone, the students of the Trojan TV program can be found covering the exciting action.
“Trojan TV is new to Jenks. We have been able to work with multiple sports teams, head coaches, presidents of clubs, etc,” said Payton Suchy (12), member of Trojan TV. “The thing that stuck out to me the most was the fact that I could help be a part of the start of it. Being able to interact with multiple students on new levels, getting to understand more emotions and a deeper level in each sport, clubs, and activities is so important to me.”
Payton Suchy interviewing Jenks volleyball player. Pic creds: @jenkstrojantv on Instagram
Suchy isn’t the only new member of Trojan TV. She shares a similar passion for broadcast journalism as Mason Prince. Prince is the teacher and head coordinator of the broadcasting program at Jenks.
“I noticed the lack of a livestream for Jenks and being a Jenks fan, I love their sports and their programs. I knew that it was something that Jenks was lacking in and needed to catch up on. I felt as though my skill set and my experience could help me do that at a very high level,” said Prince.
As do most classes at Jenks, students from all diverse groups come together as one. Seeing them blossom and grow each day is something that is both beneficial to them and the teachers.
“This is a massive school, there are tons of students. None of these kids are from the same walk of life in this ecosystem of a giant school. They are all different and have different interests but they are here and they are helping and learning together,” said Prince. “They learn how to work with other people and that’s a really cool thing to see.”
Trojan TV Broadcasting crew in the press box for a Friday Night football game. Pic Creds: @jenkstrojantv on Instagram
Not only is Trojan TV a new source for citizens and fans to watch from. It’s also a helpful tool for athletes and coaches to use to reference back on.
“After all the effort my parents have put into me, I can finally go out and play in front of all of them. My family in other states couldn’t make most games so now I can send this to them,” said Jenks Football player, Jack Mcinelly (11). “If I am ever curious about my performance, I now have a resource to go and watch back plays of the game.”
With new technology and ideas formulating, Jenks students are now able to operate and edit their very own broadcast. Creating a beneficial environment and device for all community members is a tool and example of unity. Now, there is never an excuse to miss a Jenks game no matter where you are.
“Whether it's a band performance or a school play or a swim meet, it’s all these things that as this continues to grow, we will be able to do more things. All we need is bodies and people to join and people who want to help out and that’s how we accomplish that goal. This is just the beginning and it’s exciting to see what it can grow into,” said Prince.
If you are interested in learning more about Trojan TV and their broadcasting program or would like to watch livestreams, follow them on Instagram, @jenkstrojantv, and on YouTube, @JenksTrojanTV.