New Beginnings: Daniel McChesney, New Jenks Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
By: Ella Embry
With the exciting buzz of fall sports ramping up, we slowly creep into basketball season. The boy’s basketball team is a highly favored sport at Jenks. As the Jenks community packs the Frank Herald Gym, the constant exciting energy is brought to each basketball game. The only thing different about this season? A new head coach. Daniel McChesney, head coach for the Jenks Varsity Boys Basketball team, is the latest addition to the upcoming season.
“I always played basketball growing up for as long as I remember. Once I could no longer play, I knew I wanted to coach,” said McChesney. “I’ve now been coaching for 12 years.”
With all sports, the main goal is to improve ability and execute it better when the time comes. The Jenks Boys Basketball team practices daily and does workouts to maintain speed and agility. Coach McChesney makes sure to utilize practice time as well as prioritize relationships with players.
“I like the way that he motivates us. He matches every player's energy and is a highly skilled coach overall. We know that he is a resource we can rely on when we need something both in basketball and in life,” said Carson Mariska, a Junior on the Varsity Basketball team.
Jenks Boys Varsity Basketball at one of their first scrimmages of the year. Pic Creds: @jenkstrojansbasketball on Instagram
Although this is his first year coaching at Jenks, McChesney is excited for new opportunities and memories to be made.
“I'm most looking forward to opening night and getting to experience game night at the Frank for the first time! I expect it to be loud and have a fun atmosphere!” said McChesney. “We guarantee to give you your money's worth if you come to watch us play! We will be up-tempo and exciting!”
When you find yourself having a free Tuesday or Thursday night, come support the Jenks Boys Basketball team and their new head coach, Daniel McChesney. For more information on Jenks Basketball and their schedule, check out or follow them on Instagram and Facebook, @jenkstrojansbasketball.