Blue Collar vs. Pink Collar: The Stigma Behind Male Nurses
Chances are, if you’ve ever been to a hospital, you’ve been cared for by a nurse. Regardless of whether they were male or female, their gender likely wasn’t your focus—or at least, it shouldn’t have been.
The NBA’s Comeback to TV
The National Basketball Association, better known as the NBA, has been around since 1949 with a merger of two basketball leagues that were established only three years prior, according to this link. The NBA was something new and exciting to the usual baseball and football games that played on TV. It grew to popularity during the late 70s and early 80s.
Understanding The Spread Of Sports Betting
Ding. I see a notification from my boyfriend. I open it to see an invitation to an app, Underdogs. I roll my eyes already knowing the string of texts that are about to be sent my way. Regardless, I click on the link. It says that if I open an account and put in five dollars my boyfriend will receive $100. This is sports betting. A world of recycling money that never seems to end up back in the hands of the bettors. However, as the users grow rapidly how do they all claim to be “winners”?
The Price of Parking: What are We Really Paying For?
Every year the Jenks High School students who can drive have to make a decision to either pay for a $30 parking pass or take the hot and smelly bus to school every day. But why should we have to pay to park? Every year I hear lots of complaints from students about having to fill out long forms and pay the school and a lot of the students questioning what even is the point, what are they doing with our money, and how much do they even get from making us pay? After researching this, I have found that it makes no sense for us to have to pay.
Coconut Cult: The TikTok Viral “Life Changing” Yogurt
You’re laying in bed and scrolling on TikTok when you come across a video of a girl in her 20’s raving about how this new addition to her morning routine has changed her life. Her bloating has gone down immensely, her skin has completely cleared up, and her overall mood has boosted. She goes on about how the Coconut Cult yogurt is the “fix all” for any possible gut issues and all of her viewers NEED to go out and buy their own jar. A spoonful a day will make you a whole new person.
Semester At Sea: Is The Experience Worth The Money?
Imagine you wake up, get ready for the day, and prepare for your set of classes. You walk outside, and admire your view of a wide and endless stretch of ocean and bright blue sky. This is the reality for students aboard the semester at sea ship.
Her Voice: Unveiling the Power of Women in the Church
The question of women leadership in the church has been debated for centuries. As society grows to accept women's voices, the question resurfaces: Should women hold a position of power in the church?
A Very Utica Square Christmas: A Review of Your Favorite Shopping Center’s Christmas Decor
Welcome to Tulsa’s very own Utica Square at Christmas: Known for its classic charm and holiday spirit, Utica Square becomes a winter wonderland each December. This review features the most iconic pieces of the Utica Square festivities and most accessorized stores. Be prepared to take a journey through Pottery Barn, Amber Marie, and Glacier Chocolate to explore their Christmas decorations for the 2024 season with a few surprises here and there. Be on the lookout for the holidays most memorable nut-cracking tool.
Removing Food Additives: Healing Americans from the Inside Out
The ingredients in our food affect all elements of our life, our brains, our energy, and can even influence your outward appearance in positive or negative ways. Some ingredients can help bring out nutrients that can cause clearer skin, mental clarity or higher energy, but others can cause acne, mental fog, and lower your natural energy. Sadly, in our country it is far more common to have the latter, many forms of chemicals are found in the meals and snacks we consume daily. I am passionate about the food I eat and have had an interest in what is on my plate for years. This has led me to research and keep up with studies and projects done to improve the ingredients/additives in American food.
Mr. Breig: The Teacher Who Can Do It All
Everyone knows Mr. Breig, but we all know him in different ways. As you take a deeper dive into who he really is, apart from being your science teacher, you might be really surprised. For some people he’s a dad, while for others he is the head of the science department at Jenks. A is coach to some and a church leader to others but in all, he is Mr. Breig. He’s the teacher who lives 20 lives.
Master of Teaching
Curt Sharp is a teacher here at Jenks High School where he teaches an assortment of classes from Leadership, Government and U.S. History. However he has a rather unique background, he has traveled to Eastern Europe and Guinea to even South America. He even spent 6 years in the Philippines, where he taught multiple different subjects to a variety of cultures.
College and Career: The Future is in Your Hands
High school is all about preparing you for the future. But for the average student, this is difficult. This is what College and Career is for. All the college counselors help the students, sophomores and up, with their future whether that is college visits, applying for college, work, or more. They send emails almost every week or day giving an update on what colleges or workshops come to Jenks High School all the time.
Jenks High School Celebrates Diversity with the preparation of Global Village via The International Scholars Program
For an evening filled with vibrant colors, sounds, and displays from around the globe, Jenks students, families, and community members are welcome to join The International Scholars Program (ISP) for their annual Global Village hosted at Jenks Intermediate School. The event takes place on October 10th and celebrates the diversity of the student body and the rich cultural heritages they bring to the school by means of a walk around and hands-on experience.
Six Reasons to Watch Baseball This Year
Known as America’s favorite pastime, baseball is the pinnacle of sports with over 162 games a season. High school baseball is the same, but just with 25 to 40 games ( and with a little more youth.
Campus Construction: The Blueprint Behind Campus Changes
The first day of school; for some it’s exciting, for others it’s the start of just another year. After the same usual struggle of finding parking, you take a look around, expecting nothing different, only to find two arches marking the main entrance, and construction workers putting in turf and concrete benches in tapped off areas. These small add-ons to campus are cute, but what is the reasoning behind it?
The Outlet Mall: Pros and Cons
Imagine you’re in a hot desert. The heat makes the people around you multiply, seemingly thousands of people are surrounding you. All of them go in separate directions in search of the best deal. This isn’t your average desert; this is the new Outlet Mall.
10 Things to Know Before Speaking at a Jenks Public School Board Meeting
After writing an extensive article about speaking at Jenks Public School Board meetings, here is a list of 10 things to know before speaking at a Jenks Public School Board Meeting.