Sports Trojan Torch Sports Trojan Torch

The NBA’s Comeback to TV

The National Basketball Association, better known as the NBA, has been around since 1949 with a merger of two basketball leagues that were established only three years prior, according to this link. The NBA was something new and exciting to the usual baseball and football games that played on TV. It grew to popularity during the late 70s and early 80s.

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Trojan Torch Trojan Torch

Understanding The Spread Of Sports Betting

Ding. I see a notification from my boyfriend. I open it to see an invitation to an app, Underdogs. I roll my eyes already knowing the string of texts that are about to be sent my way. Regardless, I click on the link. It says that if I open an account and put in five dollars my boyfriend will receive $100. This is sports betting. A world of recycling money that never seems to end up back in the hands of the bettors. However, as the users grow rapidly how do they all claim to be “winners”?

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Entertainment Trojan Torch Entertainment Trojan Torch

Coconut Cult: The TikTok Viral “Life Changing” Yogurt

You’re laying in bed and scrolling on TikTok when you come across a video of a girl in her 20’s raving about how this new addition to her morning routine has changed her life. Her bloating has gone down immensely, her skin has completely cleared up, and her overall mood has boosted. She goes on about how the Coconut Cult yogurt is the “fix all” for any possible gut issues and all of her viewers NEED to go out and buy their own jar. A spoonful a day will make you a whole new person.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Campus Construction: The Blueprint Behind Campus Changes

The first day of school; for some it’s exciting, for others it’s the start of just another year. After the same usual struggle of finding parking, you take a look around, expecting nothing different, only to find two arches marking the main entrance, and construction workers putting in turf and concrete benches in tapped off areas. These small add-ons to campus are cute, but what is the reasoning behind it? 

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

The Outlet Mall: Pros and Cons

Imagine you’re in a hot desert. The heat makes the people around you multiply, seemingly thousands of people are surrounding you. All of them go in separate directions in search of the best deal. This isn’t your average desert; this is the new Outlet Mall.

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Sports, Local Sports, Local

The Freshman Fanatic: Meet Krishna Bhadrirju

The racket swings up as the ball is tossed in the air. The whip of his wrist creates power from his body as he makes contact with the ball and skids past the opponent. The crowd goes wild. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Bhadrirju, a 9th grader at Jenks High School. Bhadrirju has been playing tennis since he was 7 years old. This is an incredible accomplishment for Bhadrirju. The #1 and 2 on our JHS team are the top 3 in the state. Being right below them as a freshman is a big opportunity. This effort has paid off, Bhadrirju is already ranked 3rd on the team lineup. The work Bhadrirju puts in clearly is represented by his rank. But when he started, he wasn’t playing competitively, he was just having fun.

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Guide to Speaking at JPS School Board Meetings for Students

As a growing generation that’s engaged in our various communities, something students may not know is that anyone has the right to speak at school board meetings. School board meetings are open to the public. Although it may not be widely advertised, if you check out the Jenks Public School Board of Education page, you’ll find information on your personal school board member, upcoming meeting dates/times, how to make a public comment or hearing of the public, and meeting minutes from the past year.

For those looking for a guide to speaking at a Jenks Public School Board meeting, this is just the article for you. I have divided this article into sections: School Board 101, Making a Public Comment vs a Public Hearing, Common Misunderstandings, How Student Voices Make an Impact, Tips for Speaking, Post Speaking, Building Relationships, and Advocacy, and “What’s Next.”

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