Trenna and the Trojans
It was just another game when suddenly, bam! Trenna Walls, the first female member of the Jenks Boys’ Football Team to play, gets tackled.
Behind The Wheel…of a Race Car Enthusiast
Kylan Wallis, 11, seems to be like any other student at Jenks High School. But, what many people might not know is his passion for cars and racing. Whether he is preparing the cars, doing a ride-along at the circuit, or videoing the vehicles in action, he can be found at the races.
“You Cheer like a Girl”: The Toughness and Resilience of Being a Jenks Cheerleader
Wake up, go to school, practice - an endless cycle for most athletes at Jenks. Our bodies have become so used to these routines to perfect our crafts. Imagine working hard every day, all year round, just to receive feedback that what you are doing is not considered a “sport.” Jenks Cheer members experience this kind of criticism on a day-to-day basis but have to keep pushing forward. Savvy Travis, Sophomore, on the Jenks Varsity Cheer Team, talks about how the public view on cheer has an impact on her team.
A Blast from the Past: Mr. Olsen
The history teacher with a lot of history: Mr. Olsen. He is arguably of the most interesting teachers at Jenks High School from teaching English in Costa Rica to naming his kids after Vikings to playing in a men’s 30+ soccer league on weeknights.
The Freshman Fanatic: Meet Krishna Bhadrirju
The racket swings up as the ball is tossed in the air. The whip of his wrist creates power from his body as he makes contact with the ball and skids past the opponent. The crowd goes wild. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Bhadrirju, a 9th grader at Jenks High School. Bhadrirju has been playing tennis since he was 7 years old. This is an incredible accomplishment for Bhadrirju. The #1 and 2 on our JHS team are the top 3 in the state. Being right below them as a freshman is a big opportunity. This effort has paid off, Bhadrirju is already ranked 3rd on the team lineup. The work Bhadrirju puts in clearly is represented by his rank. But when he started, he wasn’t playing competitively, he was just having fun.