Meet the Teach: Mr. McGee

By: Matty Mooney

As students return to school and we step into the new year, saying goodbye to past members of Jenks can be hard. However, being welcoming and optimistic is something we are known for. Welcoming new faces to our school is what we do best! Transitions to new teachers can bring new changes to our classrooms, and is always an exciting opportunity.

As a recent graduate of OSU, Mason Mcgee, multi-grade geometry teacher,  has accepted a new position at Jenks, moving all the way from Tyler, Texas. The environment at Jenks has allowed him to feel very welcome.

“So far it is amazing! All of the support I have gotten from fellow teachers have made me feel right at home,” McGee states. “Being a new teacher can be hard, but the teachers around me and especially my students taking me in has made the transition very enjoyable.”

Look for Mr. McGee's classroom in the halls, room 6135.

Although this is his first year teaching, it's obvious that he cares about his students, and wants them to succeed. The welcoming environment that Jenks allows has made him feel right at home. Jenks staff and students have helped make his transition easy. He looks forward to getting more involved with activities around JHS as well.

“I am also looking forward to getting involved in different Jenks activities and sports in the near future,” says McGee. “My goal for this semester is to learn from my mistakes. No one is perfect, so everyone is going to mess up eventually. What you do after those mistakes is what is important.”

McGee is wise, and talks like he’s been a teacher for decades, even though he’s just starting his career. The job opportunity has been a huge and beneficial change in his life, and his favorite thing about teaching is connecting with students, and helping them grow, inside and outside of the classroom.  Find McGee in building 6135.


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