The Return of Distance Learning

By Grace Abraham

“We’ve been through a flood, we went through a whole strike. We can get through this too.”

Though it has been a full week back to distanced learning, many of us are starting to feel the effects. Do you find yourself feeling a little bit melancholy about this whole situation? Well, don’t worry because, you’re not alone, and these two ladies are here to share their advice with you. Sophomore Kayla Gardner and Junior Emma Whelan were asked about how they are dealing with everything.

“Personally, distanced learning isn’t really good for my mental health,” Gardner says.  “I isolate myself and I’m not around people.”

“I like having a schedule, and there’s like no schedule,” Whelan adds. 

These two ladies aren’t the only ones to feel this way; there are many others in the same boat. 

On one of the most recent Trojan Torch polls, the majority of students stated that “quarantine sadness” was the most prevalent during this time.

But how do we get through this cycle of boredom and overcome this time?

“I go outside. I won’t do anything, probably just be on my phone for hours, but I’ll just go outside and sit there for a while,” Gardner says. “A change in what’s happening helps break that cycle I found”

“Set timers or alarms for yourself so that it’ll kinda feel like school,” Whelan says. “Also, make group chats in every class so that you feel like you’re still there even when you’re not.”

Also, Student Assistance Coordinator, Paula Lau, has some helpful tips!

“Anxiety can become overwhelming, so students can try a couple of [these] apps,” she says. 

“We can do this, it’s just going to be a little hard. We can get through this, we’ve been through worse,” Whelan says. “We’ve been through a flood, we went through a whole strike. We can get through this too.”

“The work is not optional, even if you feel it is.” She adds.

Just know that you’re not the only one going through conflicted feelings. Those of you who are feeling content, feel free to reach out to those who need someone to talk to. We are all in the same boat going through uncharted waters right now. Let’s be there for one another and stand united.

Helpful Link!


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