World Trojan Torch World Trojan Torch

Removing Food Additives: Healing Americans from the Inside Out

The ingredients in our food affect all elements of our life, our brains, our energy, and can even influence your outward appearance in positive or negative ways. Some ingredients can help bring out nutrients that can cause clearer skin, mental clarity or higher energy, but others can cause acne, mental fog, and lower your natural energy. Sadly, in our country it is far more common to have the latter, many forms of chemicals are found in the meals and snacks we consume daily. I am passionate about the food I eat and have had an interest in what is on my plate for years. This has led me to research and keep up with studies and projects done to improve the ingredients/additives in American food.

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Where to Study (or Not): Rating the Tulsa Public Libraries

Every time I try to study in my house I feel like I'm the least productive person to exist. From wanting to crawl back into my warm bed and just go to sleep or my brothers screaming while playing some video game studying at home is just insanely difficult, but if I studied in a cafe every day my bank account would cry at the cost of having to buy some overpriced coffee just for a quiet warm place with wifi to get some homework done. Luckily libraries exist to give you a free study space with wifi. In this article, I’m going to rate the different public libraries all within eight miles of the school. I will rate the libraries on a scale of one to ten based on their noise level, their vibe and aesthetic, their seating, and their charging stations because we all know the school-assigned Chromebook's battery life is non-existent. Rating these libraries I’ll start off with the closest to the high school being only 0.4 miles away, and the smallest library I visited, and then will work our way out to the furthest library being just less than eight miles away.

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Entertainment Trojan Torch Entertainment Trojan Torch

Moisturizers: The Saving Grace of Oklahoma Winds

As the freezing air touches our delicate skin- it begins to crack, peel, and sometimes even burn. The winter v.s. Delicate skin can be an excruciating battle, and oftentimes it seems like there is nothing you can do to win the battle. As someone who has struggled with acne for the past six years, finding a moisturizer that works for you can be extremely hard, but thanks to my extensive field experience, I have tried and thrown away plenty of moisturizers. In this review I will be covering what moisturizers are worth it through their actual moisturizing ability, the texture, and how it reacts to delicate skin. 

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