Trojan Hoops, the Future of Basketball At Jenks
Commitment, dedication, and passion, landed two juniors their own basketball team. Reese Watson and Cameron Anderson started coaching their fifth grade team via Trojan Hoops, a program that forms teams and lets them compete with each other.
Meet Elaine Gao: a Self-Published 16 Year Old
Elaine Gao, a junior at Jenks high school published her first novel, “The Oracle,” on September 26, 2022. She spent eight months writing it and over a year getting it published, but at last her work has come to fruition.
M.A.D. at Jenks
In this album review, Aiden Acebo and Jack Mcinelly will rate Drake's joint album with 21 savage. They'll give their likes, and dislikes. They're going 1 by 1 and give their honest opinion on the songs. Then, they'll rate them 1-16. Come and check it out, M.A.D. at Jenks, of the Her Loss album review.
To-Do in December: 2022 December Calendar
As we get into the colder seasons, people have a tendency to huddle indoors for warmth. This makes it easy to neglect our social lives during the winter. This year, I’ve compiled a list of places, restaurants, and events for friends, families, and date nights to help balance staying warm and our social lives this December.
College Essay 101: With Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Nightingale-Burn
As a Senior here at JHS, I am sure you have heard the anxiety-riddled question, “What is your college essay about?” At face value, most college essays seem simple. Colleges tell you to slap 250-650 words onto a document and call it a day. But if you are like me, you may not have written a narrative essay since 6th grade and may feel lost throughout this process.
Kendall's Krafts: Halloween Addition
In the depths of the kitchen, where tragedy occurs. Poison apples, witch fingers, and Dirt n’ Worms. Bakers come to face their Fears, to beat the 5-minute timer. This is Your host Kendall Webber; welcome back to this season of Kendall’s crafts. In this story, we baked six holiday goods; they are ordered from least difficult to most difficult, and include a scale from 1-10.
Review: I visited two Haunted Houses so you don’t have to
I detest horror as a medium for entertainment. In concept, I can understand the thrill of getting scared, but in practice, I just can’t take it. I cannot watch horror movies without every light in the building on and at least seven people in the room at the time. Knowing this, I intentionally chose possibly the worst option for my personal well-being: a haunted house review! I’ve ventured to two of the ghastliest, spookiest, and scariest places (within Oklahoma for $30) ever!
From Stealing Bases To Taking Rank
Jenk’s Softball steals rank as fast as bases. This season, Jenks Lady Trojan softball has been on fire. They have had an overall 37-7 wins versus losses, one of their wins giving them the title of 2022 Regional Champions. These girls have spent all season proving their phenomenal winning streak. They consistently strive for greatness and always try to develop their skill. Many of the girls on the team know how to play how they practice.
Banana Drama: A Story Over Jenks’ Italian Exchange Student
Gen Z wants one thing, to feel like a success, to be TikTok famous. That one video where you get so many likes, and so many comments over how they adore what you do or how they love you, makes your life absolutely complete. This same situation occurred with our new exchange student coming all the way from Milan, Italy. Everyone, Meet Gabriele Chiodini.
Critical Learning: Enhancing the Classroom Environment
Jenks High School has facilitated education since 1907. Recently, the Common Core K-12 student curriculum has dominated almost every state. With recent discoveries in school and learning environments, multiple states have developed new school standards and withdrew from the Common Core, including Oklahoma, which runs under the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) that develops frameworks for required courses like mathematics, sciences, fine arts, english and social studies.
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: An Honest PSL Review
The shift of leaves from green to red, orange, and brown signifies the arrival of the exciting season, fall. The men are in their happiest state because the change in temperature means it's officially football season. For women, fall is all about slipping on their uggs boots and comfy sweaters. One fall staple that both men and women cherish and enjoy, is the holy grail of holiday drinks, the Pumpkin Spice Latte. To help you find your favorite PSL, I will be providing you with honest reviews from our more popular coffee places such as; Starbucks, Braums, Dunkin Donuts, Dutch Bros, and Mojos. I will take into consideration the strength of coffee, sweetness, consistency (smoothness, grit, thickness), and spicy flavor. I will rate these aspects 1-5. The overall score (Cozy Sweaters) is scaled from 1-10. Disclaimer: I got each latte iced because of personal preference.
Trenna and the Trojans
It was just another game when suddenly, bam! Trenna Walls, the first female member of the Jenks Boys’ Football Team to play, gets tackled.
Behind The Wheel…of a Race Car Enthusiast
Kylan Wallis, 11, seems to be like any other student at Jenks High School. But, what many people might not know is his passion for cars and racing. Whether he is preparing the cars, doing a ride-along at the circuit, or videoing the vehicles in action, he can be found at the races.
“You Cheer like a Girl”: The Toughness and Resilience of Being a Jenks Cheerleader
Wake up, go to school, practice - an endless cycle for most athletes at Jenks. Our bodies have become so used to these routines to perfect our crafts. Imagine working hard every day, all year round, just to receive feedback that what you are doing is not considered a “sport.” Jenks Cheer members experience this kind of criticism on a day-to-day basis but have to keep pushing forward. Savvy Travis, Sophomore, on the Jenks Varsity Cheer Team, talks about how the public view on cheer has an impact on her team.
A Blast from the Past: Mr. Olsen
The history teacher with a lot of history: Mr. Olsen. He is arguably of the most interesting teachers at Jenks High School from teaching English in Costa Rica to naming his kids after Vikings to playing in a men’s 30+ soccer league on weeknights.
A Cup of Mojo’s
The crisp scent of coffee is the first thing you smell as you step foot into the building. To your left, you see a wooden map of the world, pinned on the wall it sits, almost as if it guards the entire room. In front of you, towers of Beaded bracelets, decorative dinner plates, and printed t-shirts flood your eyes like a cascading table of never-ending gifts. Nestled in the corner, the coffee station itself stands compact: metal machines on counters, stacked cups on shelves, and cookies in display cabinets. A chalkboard filled with coffee descriptions and flavors is displayed next to it, each one was drawn on with colorful pens. As you walk, you can feel the home-y creek of the wooden floorboards while you embark on your warm cup of coffee.
The Freshman Fanatic: Meet Krishna Bhadrirju
The racket swings up as the ball is tossed in the air. The whip of his wrist creates power from his body as he makes contact with the ball and skids past the opponent. The crowd goes wild. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Krishna Bhadrirju, a 9th grader at Jenks High School. Bhadrirju has been playing tennis since he was 7 years old. This is an incredible accomplishment for Bhadrirju. The #1 and 2 on our JHS team are the top 3 in the state. Being right below them as a freshman is a big opportunity. This effort has paid off, Bhadrirju is already ranked 3rd on the team lineup. The work Bhadrirju puts in clearly is represented by his rank. But when he started, he wasn’t playing competitively, he was just having fun.
Mind Sports: Non-Traditional Sports at Jenks
Jenks High School has long participated in traditional sports, such as Football, Basketball, Baseball,–you know, physical stuff. While these sports bring the student body together, give athletes opportunities for college scholarships and careers, and teach life skills such as fairness and equality. They have long been predominantly limited to physical activities, excluding students with interests outside of physical sports or those who lack the ability to compete in them.
From Waterboy to Head Coach, Meet Coach Finfrock
Will Finfrock, better known as Coach Finfrock, is different. He’s the prime example of the American dream: as Rapper Drake once said, "started from the bottom now we here.” Finfrock started as a waterboy for his basketball team. From there, it was nothing but net. Ahead of the season Finfrock has been named the head boys’ varsity basketball coach at Jenks High School.
Tackling Greatness: A Profile On Football Star, Jalyn Stanford
Every Friday the players go to the locker room, get padded up, and get out on the turf. But for Jalyn Stanford ,12, more goes onto the field than just him. He brings everything with him, a legacy.