World Trojan Torch World Trojan Torch

Midnight Struggles: Highschoolers and Sleep Schedules

In high school, it’s hard to find a topic that every individual can relate to. Whether you are an athlete spending hours perfecting your craft or an AP student drowning in homework each night, there is one thing that each person can mutually agree on. Sleep. We all take it for granted when we are kids. Never wanting to take naps or trying your hardest to stay up past bedtime. The irony hits you hard when you enter high school and develop a fulltime job of being a student. Now it feels like there is never a chance to relax. Any ounce of freetime is spent practicing, studying or simply being a human. As soon as you get home from school, the only thing you want to do is sleep. I never fully understood why my parents were so tired coming home from work and why they didn’t want to stay up until midnight watching movies. Now that I am a Senior in high school taking multiple college classes and spending hours each day practicing, I understand more than ever. Throughout this article, I have examined and surveyed several students from Jenks High School to gain access on what their “normal” sleep schedule consists of. My end goal is to determine how much workload is on our plates and if it’s actually beneficial for us in the long run. 

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World Trojan Torch World Trojan Torch

Behind the Grade: The Hidden Cost of AP Courses

Taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course feels like a badge of honor for high school students. Being enrolled in this course guarantees college credit for most schools (if you pass the exam) and a boost in your GPA, but behind this is also a significant cost. Does the financial part of AP courses hinder students' desire and/or ability to take them?

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Sports Trojan Torch Sports Trojan Torch

College Football Controversy: Alabama and the Playoffs

January marks the start of a new year. It marks the start of new resolutions. It also marks the start of a widely favored sport’s event. January is the time to crown a new National Champion during the College Football Playoffs (CFP). Each year a set of teams are picked to fight against each other for the overall win. Like most sports, there are favored teams that are expected to be the best of the best each year. What would happen if one of those teams didn't qualify for the largest event of the year? For teams like Alabama, they had to learn the hard way and for an individual like myself, I disagree with the outcome of their CFP ruling. 

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

7 Brew: Review of a Coffee Shop Coming Near You

Like many other high school students I have a severe caffeine addiction and usually can’t go a day without consuming some form of it. Whether it be coffee or an energy drink I have tried so many different kinds. We’ve all tried the current chain coffee shops by our school like Starbucks and Dutch Bros, but a new phenomenon is currently being built, and it's known as 7 Brew. 

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

Where to Study (or Not): Rating the Tulsa Public Libraries

Every time I try to study in my house I feel like I'm the least productive person to exist. From wanting to crawl back into my warm bed and just go to sleep or my brothers screaming while playing some video game studying at home is just insanely difficult, but if I studied in a cafe every day my bank account would cry at the cost of having to buy some overpriced coffee just for a quiet warm place with wifi to get some homework done. Luckily libraries exist to give you a free study space with wifi. In this article, I’m going to rate the different public libraries all within eight miles of the school. I will rate the libraries on a scale of one to ten based on their noise level, their vibe and aesthetic, their seating, and their charging stations because we all know the school-assigned Chromebook's battery life is non-existent. Rating these libraries I’ll start off with the closest to the high school being only 0.4 miles away, and the smallest library I visited, and then will work our way out to the furthest library being just less than eight miles away.

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Entertainment Trojan Torch Entertainment Trojan Torch

Moisturizers: The Saving Grace of Oklahoma Winds

As the freezing air touches our delicate skin- it begins to crack, peel, and sometimes even burn. The winter v.s. Delicate skin can be an excruciating battle, and oftentimes it seems like there is nothing you can do to win the battle. As someone who has struggled with acne for the past six years, finding a moisturizer that works for you can be extremely hard, but thanks to my extensive field experience, I have tried and thrown away plenty of moisturizers. In this review I will be covering what moisturizers are worth it through their actual moisturizing ability, the texture, and how it reacts to delicate skin. 

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Sports Trojan Torch Sports Trojan Torch

West Point: The Place for Ragon France

It's the most popular sport in the world. With over 3.5 billion people in the fan base, its ability to unite countries and people shows the power the sport holds not only for the fans, but for the players as well. For the people who watch the sport- it can inspire them more than you would ever believe. For the people who play the sport- it can absolutely transform their lives. Turning a hopeless dream of getting into an amazing school into reality. This reality belongs to Ragon Francy, who committed to West Point when she was a junior in highschool. 

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Sports Trojan Torch Sports Trojan Torch

Oklahoma and Texas’s Arrival to the SEC: It’s All About the Money

For over 28 years, the Texas Longhorns and the Oklahoma Sooners have been playing in the Big 12 conference. Composed of 16 teams, this conference scours across the nation and includes teams from Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, West Virginia, Utah, Ohio and Florida (SEC Network). As both Texas and Oklahoma were founding teams within the Big 12, nobody suspected their abrupt departure. When they announced their movement to the SEC, the main question surfacing the nation was: Why? Why would two of the top Big 12 teams move conferences with little to no explanation. After heavily researching, I found that the answer was quite simple. Publicity and money. 

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Local Trojan Torch Local Trojan Torch

New Digital Hall Passes Face Criticism: How is it Really?

Heading to the restroom, advisory, or even the counselors, has always been a simple note saying “John to Mr. Smith - Mrs. Doe.”  Now that the new digital hall passes system, 5Star, has been implemented for about a month now, students have been in an uproar. Students are upset with the short time limits, teachers are upset with the system and advisory passes, and are collectively just confused. Although it seems that the general public isn’t feeling the most positive about 5-Star, we at Trojan Torch are determined to figure out why students dislike it so much, and what the admins have to say about it? 

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