West Point: The Place for Ragon France
Photo Credits: Ragon Francy
By: Darby Graff
It's the most popular sport in the world. With over 3.5 billion people in the fan base, its ability to unite countries and people shows the power the sport holds not only for the fans, but for the players as well. For the people who watch the sport- it can inspire them more than you would ever believe. For the people who play the sport- it can absolutely transform their lives. Turning a hopeless dream of getting into an amazing school into reality. This reality belongs to Ragon Francy, who committed to West Point when she was a junior in highschool.
West Point was originally established as a fort during the American revolution, and was famed for being the reason America didn’t fall back to the British, now it holds the position of being the best military academy in the world. With the acceptance rate of 12% and a student female population of 21%, Ragon has earned her position there not only through her intelligence, but her athletic ability.
Due to Francy’s recent injury she has been waking up at 5:30 am, so she can do her West Point exercises and go to physical therapy. After that she goes home, gets ready for school, and starts her day with AP Research. Then she heads off to her first hour, AP Human Geography, after that it’s AP Capstone, Government, Ap Economics, Statistics, and to finish off her school day she goes to AP literature. Her day isn’t done yet though, the she goes and lifts again, and then is off to do homework.
Francy has been on ECNL for the past seven years. ECNL is the Elite Club National League for youth soccer players. It is the best youth soccer league in the entire nation. 30 out of 40 players that were drafted in the National Women's Soccer league in 2017 were in the ECNL. Being a member of this league is not only impressive, but it shows how committed Francy is to her sport.
Playing among such a high level of players might create anxiety for some players, but not Francy.
“I can be a very anxious person, and when I step onto the field- that anxiety goes away. Soccer kind of became a sanctuary. It became somewhere that I could be entirely myself in that moment. I had complete control over what I was doing, I had complete control over how I played, and that control gave me peace and peace of mind, something that I have really leaned on when things got difficult” Said Francy.
Francy’s most recent accomplishment was being picked to play at the 2024 Continental Tire ECNL National Selection Game. Francy was chosen amongst hundreds of players nationally to play at this National Game. This game alone is a chance to be signed to many different schools across the country because so many college scouts attend these games.
Despite all of her accomplishments, Ragon has remained on the same Club soccer team since she was just five years old, and kept the same number, 9.
When the team would go through a bad season, or even face bad coaches, her parents would give her an option: to leave or to stay. Time and time again Ragon chose to stay.
“It’s my team mom, I can’t leave my team” Said Francy to her mom, Becky Murphy.
It's because of this loyalty that Ragon has been team captain for the last three years. She has been a leader to not only her teammates but younger soccer players as well.
“She has been chosen to give presentations to younger girls about the process of going D1” Said Murphy.
Francy’s commitment to soccer isn’t the only reason West Point chose her, it’s also her commitment to her community. She also has created a non-profit organization called Kee’s Closet. Kee’s Closet aims to give kids in Foster Care a chance to get high-end clothing, rather than just the typical hand-me-downs they might receive.
Ragon's charity even extends beyond her community and all the way to an orphanage in Nigeria where she helped to raise 10,000 dollars.
One of Francy’s lifelong career dreams was to go to the Olympics.
“Mostly because I could represent my country, once I started to get into my recruitment year, which was mainly my sophomore/ junior year, I started looking into Military Academies, and West Point. Then I got in. I realized I could do the same thing and represent my country, on a smaller scale of course, and be that person for little girls to look up to, "said Francy.
Ragon’s ability to commit to her sport and the people around her make her the perfect candidate for the Military. Being able to give back beyond her community, but the entire nation.